Welcome to Church of God Mission International Hallelujah Centre


Building people into leadership, with a global passion, deeply rooted in Christ.


Evangelizing the lost for their total transformation spirit, soul and body, developing them into leaders.


Right living, Teamwork, Evangelism and Prayer.


Church of God Mission International, as it known today, grew from a very humble beginning in 1962 as a prayer group first named Calvary Fellowship at a shop on Ivbizua Street, off Mission Road. It was officially inaugurated in 1965 by Rev. Edgar Perkins. On October 26th 1968, Rev. Perkins approached the Assemblies of God to release Benson Idahosa, then a Sunday School Superintendent, to oversee the prayer ministry. The fellowship moved to No. 26, Forestry Road, Benin City with Pastor Benson Idahosa fully in-charge. The membership of the fellowship grew numerically. Pastor Benson Idahosa decided to build a church and this began his building ministry. He moved the members to Iyaro Church and on 18th of September, 1974. The church was registered under the Land perpetual succession Acts and Certificate number 1245 was issued. By the time Church of God Mission Iyaro was completed the membership had risen tremendously. The church was declared opened by Papa Gordon Lindsay and Papa Elton.

Church of God’s primary ministry was evangelism-Living up to her motto: Evangelism our Supreme Task, the church engaged in street evangelism and open air crusades. Through these activities souls were daily added to the church and everywhere papa went with the gospel churches were planted and solid structures erected.

In keeping with his belief of a ministry building that keeps up with the times, and to accommodate the influx of converts, the Archbishop laid the foundation of another church called Miracle Centre, on airport road, Benin City on Saturday 1st December, 1973 which was dedicated on Sunday 9th November, 1975 by Mrs. Freda Lindsay.

The continued growth of the ministry led to the building of Faith Miracle Centre auditorium, which many refer to as a marvel and was a vision fulfilled. In 1983, in far away Australia, the Archbishop heard God told him to build Him a building that will bring glory and honour to his name. The auditorium which is believed to seat over twenty thousand people was the first stadium church in Africa. It was dedicated and opened on 2nd November, 1986. Coinciding with the growth of churches in Benin was the planting of branches. Today Church of God Mission International has presence in all parts of Nigeria and the world over.

The ministry has developed infrastructures to strengthen her ability to fulfill her mandate preparing an army to rescue humanity for God. This she had done through the establishment of a viable Bible School – All Nations for Christ Bible Institute, to fulfill the educational need for pastors and contribute to building a vibrant society. The ministry has schools ranging from pre-Nursery (Word of Faith Group of Schools) to the university (Benson Idahosa University) and also functional medical facilities (Faith Mediplex Group of Hospitals) for all people. The ministry is resolved in her quest to produce whole persons in Spirit, soul and body.

All these accomplishments could not have happened without a focused, dynamic and spirit filled leaders by our father, Archbishop B.A. Idahosa. The ministry is still being maintained and enhanced by our go getting Archbishop M. E. Benson-Idahosa.


1st Three Days of the Month Fasting and Prayers 6am - 7am
Monday Prayer Meeting 5pm
Tuesday Evangelism 5pm
Wednesday Word Alive Bible Study 5:15pm
Thursday Choir Rehearsal 4pm
Friday Prevailing Prayers 5:15pm
Saturday Choir Rehearsal 4pm
Sunday Celebration Service 7:30am

Tithes and Offering
Account name: CGMi Obe
Zenith bank

Building Offering
Account name: CGMi Obe Building
Zenith bank


You can reach us on Social Media

Church Address
30 Old Sapele Road,
Km 10, Obe
Off Sapele Road,
Benin City, Edo State.